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Map validator are used to validate the plan of a map attribute. It will be used into the Validators field of the schema.MapAttribute struct.

How to use it

import (
    fmapvalidator ""

List of Validators

Every string validators are available for maps thanks to a generic validator provided by Hashicorp. See the section below for more details.

  • RequireIfAttributeIsOneOf - This validator is used to require the attribute if another attribute is one of the given values.
  • RequireIfAttributeIsSet - This validator is used to require the attribute if another attribute is set.
  • NullIfAttributeIsOneOf - This validator is used to verify the attribute value is null if another attribute is one of the given values.
  • NullIfAttributeIsSet - This validator is used to verify the attribute value is null if another attribute is set.


  • Not - This validator is used to negate the result of another validator.



Hashicorp provides a generic validator for strings. It uses the validators already defined in string to validate a list of strings. It is available in the hashicorp stringvalidator package.

Example of usage:

    // Used within a Schema method of a DataSource, Provider, or Resource
    _ = schema.Schema{
        Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
            "example_attr": schema.MapAttribute{
                ElementType: types.StringType,
                Required:    true,
                Validators: []validator.Map{
                    // Validate this Map must contain string values which are at least 3 characters.