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Released in v1.12.0

This validator is a generic validator for checking if the string is a valid network format.

How to use it

The validator takes a list of CasesValidatorType.

The list can contain one or more of the following values:

  • CasesDisallowUpper - Check if the string does not contain any uppercase characters.
  • CasesDisallowLower - Check if the string does not contain any lowercase characters.
  • CasesDisallowSpace- Check if the string does not contain any space characters.
  • CasesDisallowNumber - Check if the string does not contain any number characters.

Example DisallowUpper and DisallowSpace

The following example will check if the string does not contain any uppercase characters and does not contain any space characters.

// Schema defines the schema for the resource.
func (r *xResource) Schema(ctx context.Context, _ resource.SchemaRequest, resp *resource.SchemaResponse) {
    resp.Schema = schema.Schema{
            "user_name": schema.StringAttribute{
                Optional:            true,
                MarkdownDescription: "Username for ...",
                Validators: []validator.String{
                    }, true)